What are the fees for converting Bitcoin to or from Stablesats?

Stablesats is a unique feature offered by Blink that allows users to convert Bitcoin to a USD equivalent account in the wallet. This is especially helpful for users who may be concerned about the short-term volatility of Bitcoin. Stablesats are kept constant in value by an open source project that uses a derivatives trading strategy to create "synthetic USD".

When converting from your Bitcoin Wallet to your USD wallet, a spread of 0.20% is charged and retained by Blink. This spread covers the cost of converting Bitcoin to Stablesats and ensuring that the USD equivalent value is maintained in your wallet.

When converting from your USD Wallet to your Bitcoin Wallet, a spread of 0.20% is also charged and retained by Blink. This fee covers the cost of converting Stablesats back to Bitcoin, as well as any transaction fees associated with the transfer.

We believe that the Stablesats feature provides an important utility for our users, especially those who are new to Bitcoin or may be concerned about volatility.

Last updated