What are the fees for receiving Bitcoin in my Blink wallet?

When you receive a Lightning transaction in your Bitcoin wallet in Blink, there is no fee charged to you by Blink. However, the person who is sending you the transaction will need to pay a lightning routing fee to cover the cost of routing the payment through the Lightning Network. This routing fee is not retained by Blink.

When you receive an on-chain transaction in your Bitcoin wallet in Blink, there is no fee charged if you are receiving an amount higher than 1 million satoshis. Below the 1 million limit there is a 5000 sats fee for receiving on-chain. Note that to be notified about an onchain payment received it needs to be at least 5024 sats. Consider using Lightning to receive small payments where there is no minimum amount. The person who is sending you the transaction will need to pay a miner fee to ensure that the transaction is confirmed and processed by the Bitcoin network. This miner fee is not retained by Blink.

When you receive a payment to your Stablesats wallet there is a 0.2% fee added for the conversion.

Last updated