Connect to the Alby Browser extension on Android

Currently Firefox mobile supports add-ons only on Android. Check out our blogpost covering the similar steps using a desktop

  1. Download Firefox on your Android phone

  2. Open Firefox and choose Add-ons from the menu on the upper right

  3. Tap Find more add-ons on the bottom

  4. Type Alby to the search box to find the extension

  5. Add the extension

  6. Confirm

  7. Set a passcode

  8. Choose Connect to Bring Your Own Wallet

  9. Scroll down to Blink Wallet

  10. Follow the instruction on screen - get an API key in a new tab or window. Find more details about the Dashboard and API keys here.

  11. When pasted the API key and connected your Blink account successfully take a moment to bookmark the extension by tapping on Add next to Bookmarks

  12. To reach the extension again choose it from Bookmarks in the menu of Firefox

  13. Once the extension is open choose Wallet from it's menu on the top left to access your balance

  14. Send and receive sats from your Blink BTC wallets in Firefox

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